There are various programs allowing entrepreneurs to do business with State and Federal organizations.
Join our GUEST SPEAKER Janett M. Peralta from the U.S. Small Business Administration and learn:
– Do you qualify for any of the Federal Contracting Programs?
– What Federal contracting programs and how are the Federal Contracting/Procurement Programs are beneficial to your business?
– How Can You Apply?
Women Owned Small Businesses/Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Programs
The new WOSB/EDWOSB set-aside contracting program began in February 2011 and was recently updated effective October 15, 2015. Qualifications, application process, and recent updates will be discussed.
8(a) Business Development Program
The 8(a) Business Development Program is SBA’s effort to promote equal access for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to participate in the federal marketplace. Established businesses that are both socially and economically disadvantaged can gain access to a unique direct award authority and set-aside requirements.
HUB Zone Empowerment Contracting Program
The HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program seeks to encourage economic development in historically underutilized business zones, “HUBZones” through the establishment of set-aside requirements, limited sole source authority, and a unique competitive price preference.
Fri, March 27, 2020
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
NJSBDC at Rutgers Business School – Livingston Campus-North Tower
100 Rockafeller Road, 3rd Floor, Room 3095 Piscataway, NJ 08854