The Rise of Platforms For Home Contracting Companies


With all the platforms such as Uber and Amazon emerging nowadays, it may seem like the days of Skynet is coming 🙂

While this may be an exaggeration, technology is moving fast and home servicing businesses must embrace these changes.  It’s very rarely, if not ever, that technology goes backward. You may be reading this on your smartphone and imagine reading this page on this phone 🙂

There are literally hundreds of these “Uber like”  platforms that home contracting businesses can take advantage of to increase their sales. Here’s just a few:

With all these platforms available, we’re sure you’re overwhelmed with the choices. Navigating through this digital jungle can be somewhat similar to this without the right guidance.

We always strive to give our readers the highest value and solutions and here are a few platforms that are “musts” for applicable local home servicing businesses:

Local Services By Google

Amazon Home Services


We hope these tips helped, but if you’re like many of our readers who still have questions about how platforms can help their business, we have the solutions.  We’ll start with a free review of your online platform presence. We’ll also help jumpstart your profiles with a free “Platform Makeover and Jumpstart”, which includes custom graphics, SEO optimized about us and location tags. You can always try to do it yourself, but you may end up like our man Homer!! If you’re nice, we’ll also get you started with a few days worth of servicing, just to give you a taste of the power of these platforms 🙂

If this is something of interest, please book your free, no hassle, no obligation discovery call. All we need is a few minutes to review the details and we’ll be ready to rock your Platform Makeover and Jumpstart. We promise not to waste your time, you have nothing to lose, and unlimited customers and profits to gain!

Don’t worry, we do all the work, you’ll get all the customers, but only if you’re the first to take action!!

So enter your info below and we’ll get started right away on your Platform Makeover and Jumpstart offer immediately!!

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