Looking For The Most Trusted Roofing Company in Midland, TX? Think We May Have Found It For You!!


At Awesome Roofing N PDR, we not only Do Roofs But we can also do Siding, Window’s, Paint, Gutters, Fences, ETC. With over 25 years of experience, Our project manager will work with you on every step of your project! Satisfaction guaranteed.

“The feeling of own roof gives a sense of protection to the people.”

“There is no sound more peaceful than rain on the roof if you’re safe asleep in someone else’s house.”

“The best time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”

“The sky’s the limit if you have a roof over your head.”

At Awesome Roofing N PDR, we use the best products in the market. We will assist you in buying all the materials needed for your Project. For the best roofing company in Midland, TX! Call us at (888) 789-4969 or visit our website for more information.