Altogether Clean is an excellent choice for your cleaning needs. We are flexible in the services we provide and will cater our cleaning to your specific needs. We will find the cleaner that is perfect for you and your home and will send the same person each time to clean.
“The service exceeded my expectations. Not only did they arrive on time, with all of the necessary supplies, but they also made my house spotless!”

“First-rate service. Dependable and trustworthy.”

“Excellent service. Always punctual and friendly.”

“My experience with Altogether Clean has only been positive, totally positive. I recommend them to anyone who needs an expert cleaning business.”

“Sue Ann and the staff very friendly and affordable. Compared to other cleaning services in the area, they quoted me a reasonable price, and my apartment looked great and was exactly what I was hoping for.”

Our goal is for you to look forward to your cleaning day and we promise to do our absolute best to make it become your very favorite day of the week! For the best house cleaning in Dallas, Texas, you can call us at (214) 929-8413 to any questions, comments, or if you would like to set up a free estimate.